The Prepped Parent: A Comprehensive Preparatory Feeding Program for Expecting Parents
So you are expecting a little one sometime in the near future. Now what? I'm sure your doctor, friends, and family members have all tried to prepare you for what to expect and have given you some tidbits of information here and there to make your transition into motherhood "easier". Am I right? You may have taken a free class through your hospital system or health region and learned the basics of breastfeeding and that surely made you feel 100% confident in exactly how the feeding journey with your little one will go. I'm guessing I'm not right this time. Feeding your little one will take up hundreds of thousands of minutes of your first two years in motherhood and you are bound to encounter bumps in the road. You may have a goal of exclusively breastfeeding or maybe you want to breastfeed, but offer a bottle every now and then so you can go on a date night with your beau. Perhaps you have no interest in putting baby to breast and simply want to learn to pump and potentially even offer formula. And what about when it comes to feeding your baby solids? Ahh! There are SO many different paths that the feeding journey with your little one can go and in my professional opinion (and personal opinion as a mama of two) it is incredibly beneficial to prepare for all potential aspects of feeding so that you can truly feel confident and at ease transitioning into your new role as mama. The Prepped Parent is a comprehensive feeding program unlike any other program because it covers ALL feeding journeys. The Prepped Parent is a program consisting of six comprehensive lessons broken down into units consisting of over a cumulative 7.5 hours worth of content covering breastfeeding, bottlefeeding (with formula or expressed breastmilk), pumping, and introducing solids. This program will leave you feeling truly confident and prepared as you enter into the feeding journey with your soon-to-be little one. It will ensure that no matter what bumps you encounter, you know how to navigate them, troubleshoot through them, and come out on the other side feeling like one powerful and strong mama. Knowledge, confidence, and support are the keys to a happy and healthy mama baby diad and this program will give you ALL of that. So what do you say, mama? Are you ready to become a Prepped Parent?